PLEASE NOTE: These Messages were originally received in Portuguese and we have done our best to translate them to English. We apologize for any grammatical errors.

“O Jesus, who, in Thy cruel Passion didst become the ‘reproach of men and the Man of Sorrows,’ I worship Thy divine Face. Once it shone with the beauty and sweetness of the Divinity; but now, for my sake, it is become as ‘the face of a leper.’ Yet, in that disfigured Countenance, I recognize Thy infinite love, and I am consumed with the desire of making Thee loved by all mankind. The tears that flowed so abundantly from Thy Eyes are to me as precious pearls that I delight to gather, that with their worth I may ransom the souls of poor sinners. O Jesus, whose Face is the sole beauty that ravishes my heart, I may not see here below the sweetness of Thy glance, nor feel the ineffable tenderness of Thy kiss, I bow to Thy Will—but I pray Thee to imprint in me Thy divine likeness, and I implore Thee so to inflame me with Thy love, that it may quickly consume me, and that I may soon reach the vision of Thy glorious Face in heaven. Amen.”
“Eternal Father, since Thou hast given me for my inheritance the Adorable Face of Thy Divine Son, I offer that face to Thee and I beg Thee, in exchange for this coin of infinite value, to forget the ingratitude of souls dedicated to Thee and to pardon all poor sinners. Amen.”
We have come across a video that everyone needs to watch. Please take 1 hour of your time to watch what could be one of the most disturbing videos that you will ever watch. Are they really trying to help us or is this all just a lie? Share it with everyone you know.

Message received March 6th, 2025
(I Am very happy in this house that gives Me so much Love)
My darling daughter, write to all My children of the Earth. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything for Love, and I want you to give everything to those who you approach. I Am your God, I want you to know the Truth that I have always given to everyone. It is all a farce, those who claim to be My children [many Priests] are serving Lucifer, nothing will escape those who are not doing as they have been given by My Peter [Apostle]. Many want to do as they themselves want, so then they will serve the Antichrist who is at your doors. For all those who are not believing in what is to come, do not just think [about it], but pray.
I want to give you peace, but how will it come if you do nothing for it to come? I want you to strengthen all those who approach you, because many are not prepared and many will leave, because when the trumpet sounds it is [meant for all] to act. I will give places of refuge to all those who are not prepared, because it will be very difficult for them, with the things that they never knew would happen. So, I will have to take many of My children to places of refuge, and others to places of peace where they can obtain it, if they can. I have places for everyone, it is time to prepare My people with My Reminiscent Church, with this daughter [Maria] who serves Me always, and with My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey], who is waiting for Me to do as he did to carry My Cross.
Many are doubting, because they do not know what I Am capable of doing for all those who are in this world of sin, they have no idea of what I did for My children before My Son Jesus came into the world. I will make all things new, and this daughter will accompany Me, to give value to everything I have come to give here. I have made this a place of Honor [Maria’s home], and I want you to give everything to those who come from afar to know about the work that I have here, because it will be a place that no one has ever seen. Yes, why are you doubting this daughter? So then, I see everything, and I have come to give satisfactions to all those who are with Love, because I receive Love here every day.
I Am very happy in this house that gives Me so much Love, and I Am satisfied for those who come here, and will come, if they have love as I have here.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received March 1st, 2025
(I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, nothing comes from the other)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I want to give you everything, the alliance that I want to give you is so that you may have the strength to stay strong and to stand by My Reminiscent Church. You are the ones who will give everything, to receive everything that I have done for My Reminiscent Church to stay standing and to give good fruits as I have always wanted to give, but has fallen. Now, I have come to align you with everything that I want to do, and to make all things new, beginning with My children chosen by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
As it has been given here, I want to give it to you My children, the Covenant of My Love, because I have always given My Love here, and have received love and obedience from this daughter [Maria]. So, I do not want you to think that I will give you everything any which way, because it will not be like that. Everything that I have come to give here is the strength of a beautiful family, full of love, because I want you to see that you have been chosen by Me. I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, nothing comes from the other [the enemy], because I have made here My Covenant with this daughter, and I also come to give you a chosen son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] [for all] to see that I have everything planned so that there are no failures, because I Am the Lord of Legions.
There is nothing to talk about, because I do all this here with this daughter and this Cyrenean son of Mine, who was given to Me to help carry My Cross to Calvary. I want him to stand firm here, helping Me so that everything goes well, and I want this chosen son of Mine to be the guardian of everything that this daughter will give to the world, because what will come out of here will be great. This son of Mine has been chosen by Me to face great things, and he will fight the great beast that will come to take away what I want here. So, there will be nothing that is evil from now on, because it will happen here, the great love chosen by God. I have here the love of these two, who love Me and will give Me everything that I need for the good of My souls.
My beloved Priests sons, I hope that you will embrace [what is] here and have respect for everything I will come to do from now on. I have two children who will give Me what I desire so much, I Love everyone equally, but this daughter here is chosen by Me, and so is this son, to give Me joy and love for the Church, for the salvation of all humanity, because this is how it will be done.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received February 23rd, 2025
(If you are not prepared, I will not be able to help you)
My little daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything I have to give you, because My Heart wants to save all of humanity, and I have no one who is prepared, waiting for Me to come to give them eternal rest. Therefore, if you want to come to Me, you must start packing your bags now [our Lord has asked that we prepare a bug-out bag with enough clothing for 2-3 days], and to stand waiting for My hour, because it is at your doors. Many are not waiting for Me, but if you are not prepared, I will not be able to help you, because the enemy is waiting for you, and he knows what to do to take you away from Me.
I call on everyone, but I see so few waiting for Me, and it will be very sad if they are not ready to receive Me [not just with bags but with a clean heart and soul, repentance]. I want your heart not your body, because your heart has nothing to hang on to, and can die without being able to get to Me, you must be strong because the flesh is weak. Yes My daughter, you are asking Me about My hour, but I Am always speaking, I Am waiting for that hour, because you do not know the hour. I have looked for a place of refuge for all My children, but no one thinks of that place. So I do not know how I can help everyone if their hearts are not ready to receive Me, I want your hearts and your Love.
For this reason, I Am waiting for all those who have a pure heart that Loves Me, because Love is the key of My Heart, which will give to all those who are waiting for Me with a clean heart and soul. I want My children to want to be with Me, but not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but [only] those who do My Will.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

Message received February 21st, 2025
(This place [Maria’s home] was chosen by Me)
My darling daughter, write to all My children, I have come with My Fatherly Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything so that you learn about everything that comes from Heaven to Earth, because many things are at your doorsteps. You must know before it is too late, because your path [is leading you] to the Antichrist, who will come very soon to take you away from Me. I want everyone to be prepared because at any moment the trumpet will sound, so you must be prepared because I want to give you everything so that you know what to say to those you approach.
Many do not know what is waiting for them, so I want to give you everything here [Maria’s home] so that you know that this is a place where everything will be given to you, like the warning for the salvation of My souls. Many do not know what is waiting for them, and as a Father, I want to call you here, because I chose this place for everyone to see that I have given you here a place of Honor, because My children do not know Me. They do not want to hear what I have to say through this daughter [Maria], but I call on you with a reason for having to listen to what I Am saying here because it is My right, because everyone is called but few are chosen. This place [Maria’s home] was chosen by Me, and I have given everything here for everyone to hear.
Not because it is here, but because this daughter was chosen from her mother’s womb, to have everything as it should be, to save those whom I call on only out of Love. Yes, do not be like Thomas [John 20: 24-29] because I know that many are seeing it that way. So I Am asking everyone to be prepared, because when the Antichrist enters, you can do nothing, that is why I call on you here My children, because what he will order you to do will not be easy at all. Everything will happen and there will be nothing you can do but listen, so as not to lose what is best, your souls, which cost Me dearly.
I Am your God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received February 8th, 2025
(I Am coming to put an end to everything that this world is giving)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Fatherly Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything because it is urgent, and I want you to give everything to My children. Everyone must listen to what I have come to say, because what I have come to give to all humanity is urgent. I want you to know that I have come to give through this daughter of Mine [Maria] who does My Will, and I want you to listen because I Am the One who is coming to give you everything before the worst happens. Yes My children, you must stay alert because things are not good, everything will fall because you are not listening to what I have revealed here.
I Am coming to put an end to everything that this world is giving, because no one is doing anything at all. I Am telling you that nothing is done, and everything is about to disappear. My children, do not stand idly by, because everything will be [wrongfully] talked about if you do not listen to what I Am telling you. Now, I have come to clarify everything, because you were called on by Me so that you may have Eternal Life. But what do you want to hear now? You will lose everything [that is good] because of little things, but I Am urgently calling on you so that you do not lose your souls. Do you not believe it? Then wait for everything [to happen] while sitting with your arms crossed, because everything will happen, I will do nothing to free you from everything that is coming.
I Am urgently calling, because I Am on My way, I do not want to lose you. This is coming for everyone, it will be sad, because I have given you everything here, but you are not listening to what I Am giving you, you are not paying attention. Now, you will listen to what is at your doors, because you are not listening to what I Am saying to you. I Am God, I Am not what you are thinking, and I Am calling on you because it is URGENT! I Am always here, why are you doubting like Thomas [John 20: 24-29]? I Am worried about My children, because they are always listening to what suits them, but they do not want the Truth. I want to save you, but you do not want to listen, because you want what is easier.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received February 5th, 2025
(I Am God, and God always reveals the truth to His little children)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything My little daughter, because it is out of the Love that I have for you, that I have come to give you everything, because I have put My trust in you. Yes, it is not for you to think the opposite of what you are told, because I have everything right with My children who do My will. I Am God, and God always reveals the truth to His little children. Therefore, do not be afraid of everything I say to you, because I Am the Lord of lords, I Am giving you everything because you have been chosen by Me, and My Cyrenean son was also [chosen].
Why do you defy Me with everything I have come to say, if I give you everything only out of Love? Everything I have come to give you is out of Love, because you love Me My daughter I give you everything, because you are trusted and Loved by Me. Now, I give you here in this house My Cyrenean son, because it is up to Me to do with you the things that belong to My Reminiscent Church, so that nothing comes from anyone’s head but from My Sacred Heart. I have given you everything, a beautiful family to take care of and to make My Love for man grow, I want everyone to see the great mystery of the Holy Trinity given here. I want you to make My son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] known and to give him everything that comes from Heaven to Earth.
He will be very happy and will make everything grow as it is My will. Very soon he will see the whole truth and will obey everything, but he will have to leave everything that does not come from Me, everything that comes from that filthy devil who wants to take from Me. I want you to make him see everything that I give you, it is to be done here with you, and he will be a good friend and My servant, and loved by the people, because he was chosen by Me from his mother’s womb. Now, you must receive him as you have already been told, love will be born between you two and you will receive a blessing so that you are marked with My blessing as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Message received February 1st, 2025
(This is the truth that no one knows about)
My darling write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything My darling daughter, because in you I have put My trust. Yes, all are called and few are chosen, and in each one was made My dwelling to speak about everything that comes from Heaven to Earth. I have come here to speak about My Love to the men/women who do My will, and for those who do not, they will remain as the five foolish maidens [Matthew 25: 1-13]. I Am the Truth and the Life, no one comes to Me without Me speaking the Truth that comes from Me, to give you everything that I want.
Yes My daughter, I want you to know that I have everything written so that you may know that I have made My home here, and I have you here, I have spoken the Truth that I have always spoken. My enemy wants to take away this part, but I will not stop speaking to you My daughter, because you have been given to Me since you were in your mother’s womb. This is the truth that no one knows about, because it was hidden for these End Times. My children do not know what is waiting for them, because they want to know more than I say. Therefore, they will have many surprises here, because I will come like a thief to take away those who are Mine, and take them to My Kingdom, which is of Love and Peace. I Am a Good Shepherd, I protect My sheep and they follow Me only out of Love.

Message received January 29th, 2025
(I want you to always be connected to My Sacred Heart)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything, because you have been chosen by Me for these End Times. Everything will be given to you, because I have come here with the Truth. Yes, I give you everything My daughter, because you suffer with everything for My Love, and everything is given to you because I want you to always be connected to My Sacred Heart. I have chosen you to be My spokesperson, and I also want to have My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to help carry My burden, which is very heavy. Many are waiting for the answer; Who is this son?
But I will show the whole world who it will be, so that there is no talk [gossip] from many who answer for My enemy. I will give everything at the right time, when no one expects it, and I want you to be alert because it will be very soon. What I will give and show, I will give you here [Maria’s home], because this here will be a place that many are not expecting, but I have been here for a long time [in the Holy Eucharist]. There is nothing wrong, because this daughter serves Me with Love and does everything that I give her to show that I Am the Lord, who will always be here. I will give everything to clear the heads of those who think otherwise, believing there are evil things where there is nothing wrong.
I want to show everyone what I will give them here, that many are not expecting. Everyone wants to know who this son is, so that they can see and have something to talk about, but My hour has not yet come. I will make all things new, and I will make everyone see that I can do everything for Love. I will give this son the proof of My Love for this chosen daughter of Mine, who many do not believe she is, they will make wrong judgments, but nothing is what they are thinking. I Am that I Am, I do everything and always give to everyone.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message Received January 27th, 2025
(All are called My children, but they will have to hear My call)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that My Sacred Heart brings to you My little daughter, chosen by Me, the Father of Eternal Glory. I want to give you everything that My Father wishes to give to this doubting humanity, I want you to learn the true doctrine, and of My Gospel that you My children do not know. I Am the Father and the Son, and because I Am the Two in One, I want you to know everything as you were taught, how it was in the beginning. Many took away what was taught, as it was in the beginning, which was correct, to put in what was crooked.
I want them to learn everything, so that they do not walk in the dark, [which is where] many are, that is why they do everything wrong in My Church. I want you to know everything that comes from Heaven to Earth, and I have come here to give you everything so that you do not fall as before. But many do not want to hear My call, and they will continue as always, then they will lose their souls, because I will not accept those who will disobey Me as always. My Words are to be obeyed here [Maria’s home], and no one will take a single iota from here, where I Am Alive and Real [in the Holy Eucharist].
I will give everything here, so that you are not confused by false messages, because many are jumping from branch to branch [from one messenger to another], and thus, they will lose what is best. Woe to those who do not obey Me here, where I Am, yes, with no intermediaries, because on the other side there are many who are mixed-up with false messages, to destroy what I have come to give you here. The devil walks behind those who do not want to listen to My warnings that I give you here, [for all] to see that I do not play, giving here and there, because many look for them and mix them up, [to show that they] also have them, because the devil wants to be seen.
I have come here to call on all My children, so as not to lose the brightness of the messages that come from Heaven to Earth, and all must listen to Me because there is nothing wrong [here], because they give Me obedience. Soon I will have a son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to be My spokesman, to help Me carry My Cross out of love. You will have to listen to everything, because I have come to give to those who have never heard of messages from Heaven. I want you to listen to this son of Cyrene, who helped Me to carry My Cross, all the things that out of love he did not see, as many people think, but I will make all things new, and I will show you many things that you do not expect from here.
All are called My children, but they will have to hear My call, that I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Message received January 24th, 2025
(I will make all things new, and give you what is best to live forever)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that I desire for the good of My souls. I want to give everything before the trumpet sounds. Everything that I have come to give you is to help My children to be free from My enemy, who wants to take you from Me. I Am calling on you to learn how to respect Me and to listen to everything with Love. Do not take things lightly, because I Am coming to snatch you away and to take you to a place where nothing more can happen to you. I Am giving you everything to free you from the enemy, because he wants to take you away from My Fatherly Heart which Loves you so much.
It is not because of evil that you are suffering now, but you must learn to respect Me when I give you a message, [they are] for you to see how much My Heart suffers for My children. I Am here with this daughter to give you everything, and to talk about everything that you must do, because many have messages to not do what I Am telling them to do. Listen to everything that I Am giving you here, because little time remains to take you out of here. I have everything prepared so that you do not remain in the hands of My enemy, who will give you the hell that he belongs to. There are so many misfortunes that he is causing for all My children, but even so, you do not take My messages seriously.
I want you to stay alert, waiting for everything to come so that you do not fall into his hands, because he is coming to take you away from Me, and you do not know the hour that he will come. But here [Maria’s home] I Am calling on you every day so that you may know that I Am here, Alive and Real, in the Holy Eucharist. I call on everyone to conversion, so that you repent of your sins and go to confession with a Priest who truly serves Me, because many do not serve Me as I have called on them to do, and this is causing many things [problems]. But for My children who think that there is no more sin, look out, I Am coming to warn you with words and messages, but he [the enemy] is coming to give you the hell that you cannot free yourself from.
I Love you, and I want what is good for you so that you may have Eternal Life, because you cannot live as you are here. Then I will make all things new, and give you what is best to live forever.
I Love you. Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Message received January 21st, 2025
(There is nothing that will take you away from Me)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that My Heart desires for the sake of My souls, and to teach you everything for the days ahead. I Am God, and as God I want everything to be right in My Reminiscent Church, so that everyone can see that the Truth has been hidden. But now I want everything right before everything happens, I want to give all things to straighten everything, because the evil that is there [in the Vatican] comes disguised as good, to take you away from Me and from My Mother. I want all to see that I will not let anything of those who are Mine fall to the ground and let anything that I do not be made clean.
I Am coming to take away all those who are Mine, and the others who live in evil and do not want to do My Will will be lost, because they will have nothing to do inside the Vatican. I will make everything disappear in My Church, those who are not with the Truth will have to leave before the evil comes, because the one who is coming will take everyone away and make My Church a den of thieves, so that everyone is left empty-handed. I Am coming to cleanse all who do not want to make My Church Holy and Conservative, and those who do not want it must leave, because I want to put everyone in one Catholic Church, not Lutheran Protestants who do not serve Me [but] only serve the antichrist.
I Am coming My children, to take away all My children to a place of refuge, to a place where you can stay, and for all those who want this to pack their bags, because the hour is imminent. I want to take you to a place where nothing bad will happen. I Am God, I want what is good for all My children, to take you away so that nothing in this world touches you. I will make everything clean, because there is nothing that will take you away from Me. I Am God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Message received January 19th, 2025
(The great Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity will not be hidden)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I Am God and I Am Father, I want everything to be told to you My daughter, I have entrusted you here for the Glory and Honor of God. I want to tell you everything so that they may see the great mystery that has been handed over to you. I do not want you to think that what I Am telling you is nothing, because I like to be listened to by My children whom I have entrusted. You have always been [chosen] My daughter to be given everything, because My Holy Spirit has entrusted Me with what you will have to do, a great work for these End Times.
You are chosen by Me My daughter, to make known the whole truth that has been hidden, and now nothing will remain standing, which I will give to all humanity to learn about what is coming. I gave you everything, but many do not want to hear what I have come here to say, they prefer the lie than the truth I always give you. I Am the Truth and the Life, do not be discouraged by anything. I Am giving you My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey], to help carry My Cross that many do not know about but will appear very soon. I will make a covenant with you and him, everything will be given so that all may learn to respect Me and listen to what I say. The truth is here and some more of My children who are waiting for Me.
I will be with everyone, and I will make My covenant with all the chosen children, and the great Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity will not be hidden.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received January 15th, 2025
(I have come to speak to many about what they still do not know)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything so that you may give to those who you approach. I want everyone to read these messages that come from Heaven to Earth, so that everyone may learn all the lessons that are given to you, My daughter. I have come here to speak to everyone about the Truth that many do not know. I want them to see everything, because many things must still happen, but here I will speak of what many do not know. I will make everyone know what God wants to be said through you My daughter, because many do not know you, but they will see and know what you are so that they may know what I have come to give through you.
I have come to speak to many about what they still do not know, and who say everything that is not true, they want to make it clear that I Am nothing here, that everything is a farce. But I have come to speak now for all to see that everything I have given is for the Truth, and of the Love that I have here, that she [Maria] gives Me all day. It is not My will that they speak out about Me of what I say here, because I have always spoken the Truth here, and there is no one who can say that I have never given anything, because this is a blasphemy that has never happened here. This daughter of Mine has always spoken for Me from the beginning, and she has also suffered, but many have ignored it because they did not see what she felt on the inside.
Everything that she suffered came from Me, My Pains on My Cross that she went through, and still goes through others [suffering]. I will not judge anyone but will make them see the Truth that I have not yet done, and now, for a little longer, it will come through sufferings. I will give it to everyone at the time of My PURIFICATION, I will make everything known which you have not seen here, because I want to make you understand that I have always been and that I Am forever. I Am going to make even more things appear that no one expects, what I Am capable of doing for everyone who Loves Me. I will make them see, and for those who despise Me and speak out [about Me], I will present what they deserve from Me.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received January 12th, 2025
(Listen to Me before it is too late)
My darling daughter, write to all My children, because the hour is imminent. I want you to do everything as I tell you, because you were chosen by Me. Nothing that has been revealed to you can be left behind, because everything will fall if they are not done right, no one can escape it, because the enemy is coming to take you away from Me. I Am the Creator of all things, but he does not want this to be said, because he wants to take My place. For this reason, I have come to give you everything My chosen daughter of these End Times, because there is no one who can do it as you are doing it here. This scripture was given to you, to do it as I want, but many are not doing it as you are here.
Therefore, I want everything to be given to you as it was in the beginning. There is nothing to deceive you when I give you a message, but many do not want to know about it because you have been chosen by Me. What I Am going to give you is no joke, no one can make what I Am giving you a joke, no matter what they are saying. Why were you chosen by Me? Because it is up to Me to do everything, even though there are failures, and I give everything so that you can be obedient to Me. But My enemy wants to cover everything up with a lid, because he has always wanted to do that. Now, you are not to stand still, but to act with everything that I have come here to give to this chosen daughter.
All are called with a mission to be fulfilled here, so that all may see that I Am the Almighty, I do it for all to see that there is nothing that I can or cannot give. Why are you questioning Me about what I can do? I see that everyone wants to do as they see fit, but I have come to give what I intend to do, because no one can deceive Me. They say that I give false messages to My chosen children, each one does what they want, but here she [Maria] obeys Me, because I Am the Owner of her heart. When she writes down what she hears from Me, she does it only out of Love. I want you to listen to this message and put it into practice, because the time is imminent.
There is no time for Me, but I have come so that in the hearts of those who want to hear Me, they may listen to Me with Obedience and Peace. I Am calling on My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to help carry My Cross, which is very heavy for Me, and close to this chosen daughter of Mine. I Love you all, but I do not want you to play with everything that I Am telling you here [Maria’s home], where I have made My home, listen to Me before it is too late.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received January 7th, 2025
(There will be no more Pope, but only the walls of My Church)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that must be said before everything happens. It will be revealed by Me here, your Father, your Creator of all things. Yes My daughter, you have been chosen by Me and no one can say otherwise, because it is written, everything that I Am going to give you is from Me, your Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. I want you to speak the whole truth that comes from here [Maria’s home], because everything comes from Me, and no one can say otherwise.
Many things have been written, but these are not, because I do not want the devil to know anything that I Am going to reveal to you here. Everything will happen, because everything must be said to you here My darling daughter. I want you to know everything from Me, that I Am the Truth and the Life. Many of My children are speaking of many things that have been said to My prophets but say nothing about the truth that is here now, because I have come here to speak in these End Times [of things] that have not been said. I Am your God, I have come to speak to this daughter so that you know everything, even of what has not been said, everything is here.
I will come very soon to make it clear to all those who are still with Me that the Vatican is going to fall for good, and that there will be nothing more there about the truth. The devil is there to destroy everything, because there were a lot of lies in the midst of the truth. There will be no more Pope, but only the walls of My Church, because everything will fall and be burned in eternal fire. I know that many still expect more things to be said by Me, but here I will give the whole Truth. You do not need to hear anything else, everything will fall, because the devil is there [in the Vatican] to make even more trouble.
So, I will not let anything else grow in his lies anymore, making My children grow more in the lie, because many will fall into hell because of so much that happens there. I Am coming to remove the scales that Satan has put on the eyes of My Priests, where they can see nothing, because everything is contaminated by the beast.
I Am God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received January 3rd, 2025
(I want to open more hearts that are closed to prayer)
My darling daughter, I Am your Almighty God. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to tell you everything that needs to be said for the good of My souls. I want to open more hearts that are closed to prayer, because everyone must pray the Rosary, which is a powerful weapon to bind Satan, because he will try to take My souls away to him, and this will be very sad, because all are My children. Take care of these souls that I have come to give you, My daughter, because I need holy souls to pray, because many do not pray and this will be lacking for many, because the arrival of My Son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] will cause a lot of talk.
So I want you to tell him that he needs to fight harder because Satan walks around him, because he is a son chosen by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For this reason, I want him to have more love for prayer for those in need, and this son of Mine has a very special gift that he does not know about. My daughter take care of him, he is a very well-known son, but for Me, I want more, because his part is to do as the Cyrenean did to carry My Cross. He will help save so many children who despise Me, and God does not like them. So, pray a lot, because that place was a holy place, but it is turning into a very dangerous place with a bad reputation.
I need holy souls who consecrate themselves to Me and My Blessed Mother, but there are few who are on the right path. Take care My daughter, of these souls that I Am going to give you, because little remains for a great tragedy to happen, where many will lose their lives and others their Christian Faith. I want to bring more souls from there into My Reminiscent Church, I do not have many who will pray fervently for this place. I ask everyone to start praying, because very soon everything could fall. I call on you to pray the most powerful prayer [Rosary] to connect from Heaven to Earth.
I Am Jesus of Nazareth, Amen.

Message received December 29th, 2024
(He who has eyes should see, and who have ears should listen)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Fatherly Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything My daughter, what I have come to give you is not of this world, so why are you afraid to write what I Am giving you? I have come to give you everything, because you have been chosen by Me. Therefore, I want to give you everything with My Holy Spirit, which is Truth and Life. Everyone should hear and obey everything that I give, because it is a command from Heaven to Earth. He who has eyes should see, and who have ears should listen.
I have come to give everything, because I want to call on My children to the reality of everything that I want to give, because there is a lot of filth in the world that is not found with My things! The world is falling, and all My children [with it], because they have no way of holding on to anything, and it will not get better. I want to get everyone’s attention, all those who are My obedient children, be prepared. I Am coming to take you to a place of Peace and Love, and I do not want you to be sorry [by not preparing], because then there will be nothing to hang on to. I have everything prepared for everyone, but only the pure of heart will enter.
The disorder is so great that I see nothing that can be done for the disobedience of My Priest sons, who do not want to do My Will. I call on everyone, but not everyone hears My call. My daughter, call on My Son, because I want him together [with you] to do everything as My beloved Son did. I want Peace and Love, and you must listen to Me through obedience. I have called this son of Mine a Cyrenean [Maria’s friend in Turkey] because he will carry My Cross of Love. I have called on him to help Me carry My Cross, this time together with you My daughter, because he Loved Me very much. I will give everything only for Love. I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Message received December 26th, 2024
(Why are you not listening to Me?)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you one more message, so that everyone may learn once again all that I have come to give for the Glory and Honor of God. God is here with you [Eucharist in Maria’s home] for all humanity, [for all] who will listen to you about everything that comes from Heaven to Earth, because many do not know this great Mystery of the incarnation of My Jesus to the world. I Am the Father and Son, I gave My own Son so that everyone may be saved from this deceitful world. [The world] is giving more and more things to all My children, who also work and live under sin, that will take them to hell if they do not repent, because they do not live in the good that My Laws commands.
Therefore, as the Father and Lord of Heaven and Earth, you will not be able to do anything, because My children have abandoned the faith and My Laws, which are True for all. So now it is at the end of everything that I have given to you through My prophets, you have not given obedience and continue to do the same, more and worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, everyone is to blame, because no one does anything to improve the situation, because some follow others, because they are afraid of My Love. It will cost them dearly, all those who do not want to hear what I Am giving here for everyone. I call on you here, because there is no longer anyone who obeys My Laws. My children, look out, because Lucifer is watching everywhere, you cannot do as you want to do, because you will lose everything.
Why are you not listening to Me? I have come here to this daughter who does listens to Me, but if you do not want to listen, you will not have another chance. Everything that I created is ending, and there is nothing you can do if you do not listen to what I have come here to say.
I Am the Lord of Lords, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received December 25th, 2024
(I Am the Light of the world, the Beginning and the End)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Fatherly Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything for the Glory and Honor of God. I have come to give you everything so that you may know the Truth that comes from here [Maria’s home] for all. I have come to give My Word which is of Peace and Joy for all men of the Earth, you must listen to this Word that I have come here to give to save all My children. I want you to know this because many do not know that the Truth comes from here, to enlighten all the families who want to be saved, that they listen to this Word that I have come to give through this daughter Maria de Jesus.
I Am the Father, and as a Father I have chosen to give everything here. Why did I choose it? Because it was given to Me by the Holy Spirit. Everyone must believe in My Word! Because it is written that I Am that I Am. There is nothing more to do in this world if you do not listen to what I have come here to say. This prophecy is not written in the Holy Scriptures, because I did not allow it, because the devil knows too much. Therefore, I want to reserve it for My Excellence and Maximum Power, do not listen to those who walk in lies because many will fall, because they do not want to hear My Word. I Am that I Am, the Beginning and the End, there is nothing more that can be done, except from here, because I want it to be as I command.
My children, I want to open up My Covenant to everyone with this son [Maria’s friend in Turkey], whom I chose in My Passion and Death for the End Times. I want you to recognize him as the Cyrenean of the End Times, he comes to complete everything that I want, because he helped Me to carry My burden [Cross] which was heavy, but followed Me only out of love. The Love of My Heart is here, this son that I have called the Cyrenean. Now, stay alert! Because he has not recognized My conservative Church, which is so dear to Me through My Passion, for the salvation of all humanity. Hear this message so that you are prepared, because the time is imminent. I Am the Light of the world, the Beginning and the End, I Am Jesus of Nazareth.
I Am the Love of your heart, Jesus. Amen.

Message received December 19th, 2024
(To all who read this message, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything, because the time is imminent. I want to see everyone in My flock, but I want to separate the wheat from the chaff, because evil is together [with the good]. I want to take it [the evil] away to see the fruits of My Love together, but for those who do not want it, they will be left out like the five foolish maidens [Mathew 25: 1-13]. I have done everything to make it work, but the devil is together with those who do not give Me obedience, so I can no longer take care of them both anymore, I will take them [the obedient] to a safe place so that they are not all lost at once.
I have come to take away those who are Mine and to give all of them My Holy Spirit, so that they can be together with Me in Paradise. But I will first have to take them to a safe place, so that the righteous are not left to fall, because I Love everyone, but with those who obey Me, I will not let them fall in any way. I Am asking you to pray that the devil does not have the strength to take everyone away, I do not want to let them all go, because you have cost Me dearly. I want to give a place of honour for all, and to bless all with My Holy Spirit, because you cannot live here without having everything as I give it, with Love and Peace. To all who read this message, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Message received December 18th, 2024
(I have everything prepared for all who Truly Love Me)
My darling daughter, write to everyone. I have come to speak, because many will say that it is Me here or there, but do not believe it! My hour has not yet come, because I have much to tell everyone about the Truth that comes from Heaven to Earth. It is here [Maria’s home] that I have come to give everything, although you may not think so, but I have always spoken the Truth. The devil will deceive, but I Am here Alive and Real, to tell you everything so that nothing deceives you, because many will come with false messages. I Am Jesus of Nazareth, and no one will be able to change My Name, because I have come to save, but the other has come to kill. My children, I do not want to lose you, do not let him deceive you, seek to do good and always walk with the Truth.
Do not let the enemy deceive you, because he is coming to make everyone change their names as Lucifer did with My Name, I Am Jesus and this Name no one can change. I want to give you everything, but there is no way to do it for this youth who know nothing about Me. Make sacrifices for them, because they know nothing about doing good. I want you to find a place so that you remain well, but it is not easy here in this world. So, I Am coming to take you to a safe place [Mathew 24: 39-44], so that you may have Peace and not be afraid. I have everything planned for your refuge, I do not want you to worry about the time, because I know about everything that is set for everyone that belongs to Me.
Take care of your souls, I do not want you to run away from the good which is your washed souls so that you may have Eternal Life. I have everything, I have everything prepared for all who Truly Love Me.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received by Maria de Jesus
December 11th, 2024
(How can you ignore everything that God is warning you about?)
My darling daughter write, I Am your Immaculate Mother without original sin. I want you to write down everything that I have come to say, because the time is imminent. I want to give you everything that comes from Heaven to Earth, because you were chosen for Me through Heaven. I hope that you know how to give everything that I have come to say here, when everything has been entrusted to you, because you will have to do everything that has been told to you since the beginning with these messages. All that the Father wants is for them to be given to His children, the Truth that comes from Heaven and Earth, which many are not reading and are of great importance.
Yes My daughter, there are many who do not want to read them and they are for the whole world, to learn about everything that Heaven has come to say. Everyone is doing everything upside down, but everything will be revealed to you here as it was in the beginning. But many are ignoring these messages of such importance, that are for My children to know the Truth. God calls on everyone, but many do not want to listen, and after so many messages, they are still doing everything wrong. I am asking everyone to listen to what I have come here to say, because little time remains for the Truth to appear, then there will be nothing you can do with everything that is going to come.
How can you ignore everything that God is warning you about? My children, do not ignore these warnings, because you will suffer greatly because of it. Everything is falling, and you do not want to hear what the prophecies are saying. Everything that you see in these messages are [also] from so many seers that I speak to, oh My children, you do not know what you are doing, and you do not see that afterwards there will be nothing you can do, because everything has already been told to you. I want to give you everything that the Father commands, and My Son is suffering because you do not listen to everything that you have been taught through the Holy Scriptures and His teachings.
I want you on your guard because very soon the WARNING will be at your doors, so that you know what you must do. Everything has been given to you. Now wait, because you do not know the hour.
I am your Mother, Mary of Nazareth. Amen.

Message received by Maria de Jesus
December 4th, 2024
(Everyone is falling, because they do not know the Truth)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give everything for the Glory of God, and I want you to write only the Truth that comes from Heaven to Earth, for all My children who will read these messages given through your heart. Yes My daughter, everyone is falling, because they do not know the Truth. I Am the Truth and the Life, but many still do not seek to know everything that I have said. Everything is given here through Truth, but many do not believe and block these messages out here, because the devil is afraid of them, because they are given by Me.
Yes, but I want you to stay strong always waiting for the Truth that I give you all day long, that way no one will be left out of the things I Am giving you, although many are seeking false doctrines. This will not happen here, because I Am here, and I will give you everything through your heart that is always connected to Mine. Yes, but why are many not doing it right? Because the devil seeks the weakest hearts, because they are not strong in prayer or in love, but here I have Love and Peace. I want you to always be aware of the Truth, so that all My children learn how to reach Me through Love, because they all do it [pray] without knowing how to call on True Love.
Therefore, I always feel the Love of your heart here My daughter, you have always given it to Me, since you were a little girl, even though many never noticed it. I have always felt that there was a constant Love in your heart that many did not see, because ignorance does not let them see that what came out of your heart was Love and Peace, and they still cannot see it today. I want My children to learn to understand from you, because I have always come here to this house [Maria’s home] that was chosen with Love and Peace, that is why you can feel Me. I look for you, because you are always here in this chosen house with Love and Peace, which is why you can feel Me whenever I come to visit you, you can hear what I have come to give you just for Love. I Am your God, your Savior.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Message received December 3rd, 2024
(Everything will be fulfilled before the trumpet sounds)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that My Holy Spirit will give you for the Glory and Honor of God. Everything must be said from now on, it will be given to you so that everything written in [The Book of] Daniel may be fulfilled. Yes My daughter, the things that I have come to tell you are to be fulfilled, because many do not know what has been given to you, but everything will be given to you here so that all may see the Truth that comes from Heaven to Earth. They are not seeing what I Am giving you, but everything will be fulfilled before the trumpet sounds, to proclaim the whole Truth.
All will be in for a great surprise, because they [many] do not believe that the Lord knows everything. Therefore, many will fall in fear, because they are not expecting everything that I Am coming to give you here, because I want all to see that from here [Maria’s home], I Am the One giving these messages to the whole world. I have found here a place to rest and to make known, through this daughter, who has given Me a place of Honor. I want you to see what I have here, which many have never known, because they think it is a vulgar thing, but they are not seeing how she behaves with Me. I Am praised here all day. I Am the God of Love, I Am being Glorified and Loved, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Recently, God the Father spoke to me through inner locution [from heart to heart]. My daughter, do not be afraid. There will be a very loud thunder, the whole world will hear it, and a light that will also come with it. And I will also come together with it, for all the world to see who God truly is.

Message received by Maria de Jesus
December 2nd, 2024
(I have come to give you everything, because the time is imminent)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything, because the time is imminent. I want you to call My son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to the reality of the things that I have told you, so that he is prepared, because you will be in a mission together before you must do everything as you have been told. You are not to be afraid of those who are meddling in these matters. I have called on you to do My Will, as I called on Moses, but I have given you more here because you have been chosen to do everything as I Am going to give you before everything happens. All are called but few are chosen.
No one should do anything without My permission, but many are doing the opposite of everything. When I called on you it was to serve Me, it was not to do what they give you, but [to do] what I give you for those who are faithful to Me. I want to give everything with Love, I do not want them to make speeches like they are, because I want obedience, there is nothing wrong here. I called on this son, because he is chosen by Me, and there is nothing evil here because I called on him, but My children are not paying attention to what I have given to this daughter. So I do not want My children to be bothered by what I Am giving, because that is not to My liking. I Am calling on you to think carefully before offending My obedient children, because I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I want everything on track, but you are not in your own silence [you are gossiping]! You think that I do not listen to everything My children, I give you everything so that you may have Eternal Life, so do not look at [point fingers at] others, because you are offending Me.
I Am that I Am. Amen.

Message received November 22nd, 2024
(The devil will tempt you in every way to take you away from Me)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I want to give everyone the Truth that comes from Heaven to Earth, so that My Will may be done. Yes My daughter, never be afraid of what may happen to you, the devil will tempt you in every way to take you away from Me, but here [in Maria’s home] he will not do what he is thinking. I want you to always do My will, to do nothing as he wants, it is your obedience and love for your neighbor. I want you to pray a lot for My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey], because the devil wants to take him from Me, to take him to the cauldron that he belongs to.
But prayer has power, and I Am together [with him] so that nothing happens, because he is Mine as I have always said. He was chosen by Me, nothing bad that is coming to destroy him will happen, because I will protect everything that is here, it comes from Me. As the Father, I Am here to give you everything My daughter, because My Holy Spirit has been given to you, so that nothing can happen. I have called this son of Mine to help you in all that may happen to you, because he is strong and has courage, but evil wants to take away his strength, because he was created with My Holy Spirit, together with yours My daughter. All I want is for you to have faith, so that everything that is given to you does not die, because I created you with Love in your heart.
This Love will never die, because here lives the Love that I have given you, from your birth. I want you to stay strong and cheerful, so that nothing bad will happen to your love. Therefore, do not be afraid because I will not leave you, because you belong to Me.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received November 17th, 2024
(Love one another and respect My Laws)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you everything for the Glory and Honor of the Most High God. I want to give you everything, because you were chosen by Me. You must remain in My Love and give Me everything that I have come to give you, because each has their own mission. I Am giving you everything here so that it may be written, and it is here that I have come to give everything, because all are called but few are chosen. I want you to be firm in faith and in My Love, and I give you My signs so that you do not become weak with anything. I have come here [Maria’s home] to give you what is needed before it is too late, because the time for everything [to happen] is short.
Today, nothing can be done because My enemy is controlling everything to put an end to My Church, and many are not happy with this game, they cannot see the error that is coming to My Church. I Am preparing many things here, so that everyone may learn about My Church, as it was in the beginning, the Holy Supper as it was given to My Apostles. Now, there is no longer a need to run away from what they are doing there [Vatican], because the antichrist is preparing everything to take [everyone] to the cauldron that he belongs to. My Priest sons do not see it, I have given them everything to see that only My Mass was true, as it was in the beginning, but they still do not want to see what I have talked about, that they are not doing anything as I commanded.
I have given them everything, but there is nothing that compares with how I have ordered it to be done, a little [time remains], but they are still not doing it as I commanded. Now, all that remains is to do what I Am going to do, to clean up everything and to make all things new, then they will see what they are doing for the good of My Church. My enemy is happy, because he wants it this way, doing it [his way] to take you with him. So I Am calling on you My children, you are not doing what I have commanded, you are not doing what is written. I Am going to give you a new Commandment: Love one another and respect My Laws, I Am your God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Message received November 15th, 2024
(Whoever wishes to be with Me must follow)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I want to give you everything, because you were chosen by Me. Why is everything going to be given to you? Because you have been chosen by Me since you came into the world, so that everyone may see that you are a true disciple of these end times. I want to give you what you must know, so that all may see that I have chosen you through the true meaning of the current prophecies that are now being fulfilled. You are connected to My things, to continue everything because there are many who receive messages, but do not speak of everything that I have given you here.
So, there is no way [for you] to escape from [My] giving you everything, because I want you to speak about everything that comes from My Holy Spirit, so that there are no failures, because many want to appear to be giving without an answer from Me. For this reason, I have come here to confirm everything for the sake of the truth that comes from Heaven to Earth. My daughter, every word that I give you comes from My Holy Spirit, so that there is no confusion with My things. So do not be afraid when I call on you to give another message, I want everything to be in order, because everything will happen very soon, and My children are not prepared with anything.
I want you to present everything that I give you in writing, for everything to be seen later so that there are no errors, [thinking] that it did not come from Me. I Am your God, there is no other, because My enemy comes to impersonate Me, but he will not come to give anything here because I Am here, Alive and Real [in the Holy Eucharist]. Many of My children do not look at you as being true, but soon they will look for the truth, because many are not speaking it. So My daughter, you must stay alert, because everything will appear for all to see the true path, made by Me, that I have prepared here in this house [Maria’s home]. I Am the Way and the Truth, and whoever wishes to be with Me must follow, so as not to fall into the clutches of My enemy, who is coming to take you away from Me.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

This message was received [in 2011] and sent by Maria de Jesus from Canada, and is an orientation for many of our children and family members who live in a union outside the Sacrament of Matrimony. I ask everyone to read it with affection and pass it on, as it is a warning for everyone! Because he who warns is a friend… And Heaven is warning us through its Prophets.
Older Message received May 10th, 2011
(They only want what they want)
My daughter, write, I am your Mother and the Mother of My Jesus. Little daughter, I am here once again so that you write to all My children of the Earth, I want you to bring My peace and My Love to all those you approach. I have come once again My little children, so that you may be prepared, you must pray a lot and observe all the things that you have been taught. I am your Mother, I want you to be My children who are always prepared, because where you will go to you do not know. All My teachings have already been told to you, and I do not want to see you sad. I am suffering My children, because I will see many children lost by their weaknesses that they do not want to amend.
There are so many of my children who do not want to know about religion [about God, Prayer, the Sacraments and Commandments which are the Holy Laws of God] so I want you to be instructed my children, so that you may know that many will lose their souls because they lack God in their hearts. So many already live despising their God because of a man, or a woman, and choose their partners [over God] and then do not worry about the things that will come next. So many children will fall because of this great sin [the sin of the flesh, living together without the Sacrament of Matrimony]. So My children, you have chosen well because you are here praying, but do not stop praying for your children, because your prayer is what will bring them to the reality of the things that you have already been taught.
Oh My children, pray and make sacrifices, because everything is so close, and if they knew, they would run now to warn those who do not want to wake up from the sleep that Satan has put them under, all those who do not want to rid themselves of the things of this world. Just to live the good life [the pleasures of the flesh and in the things that the world offers], they only want what they want. My beloved little children, love one another and bring more of My children to the reality of these things, everything they have gotten wrong, because very little remains for everything to happen. I am the Mother of Heaven, I want you close to My Jesus.
I Love you. Mary of the Immaculate Conception. Amen.

Message received November 12th, 2024
(I have called on everyone to the corral of My heart)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that comes from Heaven the Earth. I have come to speak to everyone through My Holy Spirit, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so that you may see that I Am here Alive and Real [Eucharist in Maria’s home]. Everyone should see that I Am here, because there is going to be great things. I will be here until I give My last sign, yes, so that everyone may see that I Am, and that nothing in this world can take away what I Am giving here in this house so full of Love and Peace.
I want you to see that I have a great weakness for My children who Love Me, and as a Loving Father, I want everyone to see it. Why do I give everything here? Because I see through Love that I have My creatures that I have chosen from their mother’s womb [Maria]. I call on everyone to be prepared, because the time of the Harvest is at your doors, so that you will not be surprised, but happy to remain with what is good. Those who do not want to accept what I have come to give will be left out, as the five foolish maidens [Mathew 25: 1-13]. There is no use being sad because everyone has been warned, but all those who do not side with Me will try to do what they want, so there is nothing I can do.
Yes, I want you to see well before everything happens, because I need My souls who are together with Me. Those who do not want it [to be with Me] I can do nothing, because they have never given their YES to obey everything that I have asked for. I always listen to all My children through the Love that they have for Me, but when they do not want to accept the things of My Church that I want so much, there is no choice and no salvation. I have always told you to give your acceptance, and I have always told everyone about what I gave in My Holy Supper, but there is no one when there is no obedience.
Yes My children, I have asked you to have My Mass in My Reminiscent Church, as it was given by My First Peter [Apostle] but not everyone gave Me acceptance [Church Leaders]. So now they will be left out as the five foolish maidens. I have called on everyone to the corral of My heart.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received November 6th, 2024
(You Loved Me in such a way that nothing was left behind)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I want to give you everything for the Love of My children, I want everything to be said here, because you have been chosen by Me. Nothing will be hidden from you, because I Am here for all to see that you see nothing if not from Me. I Am the Creator of all things, and I want you to take this seriously, because I do not play with the things that come from Heaven to Earth. Many do not take things [as seriously] here as I want, but when the time comes, I will make it all appear, because I will give you My signs [that show you] that I have made My dwelling here [Maria’s home], to rest and for all to see that I do everything out of Love.
Yes My daughter, many have not yet noticed it, but I will make everything change regarding My Son [Maria’s friend from Turkey], everyone will recognize that he was chosen by Me at this last sign, because it was out of Love that I gave everything. My daughter, I know that you are sad with everything that is happening to you, but I will make you see that everything I give you is not for entertainment, but for the reality that I always speak for all to do everything that I give for Love, because many talk, but they know [the reason] why I make it happen. But everything will be seen, I Am your God, you present everything I Am going to give you here, until you do everything so that they see that it does not come from My enemy, but from Me.
I want them to see that My Church will appear from nothing, so that they see that My Church is true, which was recognized by My son Peter [Apostle] who was the head at the beginning. Now, I want it to be you My daughter, [for you] to be recognized, because you were chosen by Me, you Loved Me in such a way that nothing was left behind, everything that I gave you. I Am the Good Shepherd, I make everyone see that I have given everything for Love, here in this house, that you have always given Glory and Honor.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received November 5th, 2024
(Many will now do everything as the beast commands)
My daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to bring Peace and Love, and I want you to give everything that is given to you to all who approach you, yes, so that they may know the Truth that comes from Heaven to Earth. Everyone will have to know what I have come to give through [My] Love for everyone, it is what I have always come to give. There is nothing different, but I want to give everything so that they may learn the doctrine that I want for all those who approach you. I do not want anything different then what I have come to give you, because many will come to confuse you with false messages so that you may do the will of My enemy.
But do not believe it! Because nothing will be given outside of what I have come to give you here, and all those who obey Me must be prepared. Everything that I have come to give you here is the Truth, so that they know that there will be nothing outside of what I Am giving here. I have already warned you that what is given here is what has always been [given] since My Apostles. What I give here: Grow and multiply, and do nothing new, because My enemy will urge you to do the opposite of everything. Do not believe anything [from others], because I want you to do everything as I have come here to say, so that there are no doubts from other places, with new things that are not as I give them here.
My children, do not think that I have come to give [you something] better, because it is not that, but for there to be obedience to only one Church, because many will come with news [messages] from others that do not come from Me. Therefore, you must listen to just one, so that you are not confused My children, because many will now do everything as the beast commands, and this will not work with what I Am giving here. Yes My children, [you must chose] either with Me or with My enemy.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received November 3rd, 2024
(Oh My children, I Am waiting to give you rest, because you are suffering)
My darling daughter, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that I need [to give] for all humanity. I want to give everything that comes from Me, because I want to save My children who do not know what they are doing. I Am hoping for many, if they still want to accept Me as their Father, because that is why I made you My children, to be your Father, Son and Holy Spirit, where many will not have what I have given since the beginning. I would come to give you a Fathers Blessing and to take you with Me, because I want to give everyone Eternal Life in Paradise, but many do not believe, but I have everything prepared there to give you happiness.
Do you not want to believe it? Then there is nothing I can do, because only the pure of heart will go there. I have invited this daughter [Maria] to give Me all the children here, to give Me all the support and love, and to have a place to rest. But many are not accepting it, so for those, there will be no promised place, because all are called but few are chosen. Oh My children, I Am waiting to give you rest, because you are suffering. Do you not see that in this world there is a deception that will take you to the eternal fire? I Am calling on you, wake up! because the hour is imminent. All are called but few are chosen. Prepare yourselves before everything happens, because very soon I will not be able to do anything. I Am waiting for you My children, I Love you, but the choice is yours.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received October 14th, 2024
(Do your part so that you are not taken by surprise)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love, so that you may do My will, I want you to write down everything that comes from Heaven to Earth for everyone. I have come to announce to you the great Mystery of the Holy Trinity, which is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Without this in your communities, nothing will be worth having Me in the Church, because everything that comes from Heaven and Earth will be taken away. Yes My daughter, you can do everything, but if there is nothing that I Am telling you about at that time, everything will fall apart, because the world that I have created is undoing everything that has been given to you. I want you to open your eyes and do everything that I have commanded, because everything will become worthless.
Continue to work, without everything that was given, but it will not be easy for all My children who are working for My Reminiscent Church. This is what I have come to say to all My children who still serve Me [Priests], everything will be worth it in Communion with Me, I Am the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore, you know that many no longer work in Communion with Me, so it will not be worth anything. My children, you who are with Me, work with Me My children if you still Love Me, because from now on you have nothing to hold onto. Everything will remain in darkness after he [the Antichrist] brings in the beast that is at your doors. You will have to keep your mouths shut, because you will not be able to speak out about what you know, but pray with that intention.
I have called on everyone, but not everyone hears My call. They are scared, waiting for everything to happen, but everything will end, it will be worthless when the beast enters because everything will be contaminated by the beast who is waiting for his hour. My children, be careful and say nothing, because he will do everything quietly. So, there is nothing to do but pray, and do not do anything outside of what I have told you, because My hour has not yet come to give you My sign. I have called on you My children, and I Am with all of you, but do your part so that you are not taken by surprise.

Message received October 12th, 2024
(I Love My creatures who serve Me only out of love)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything for the Love of My children. I want to call on My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to listen to everything I have to say, because everything is so close to happening. My daughter, tell him everything that I Am going to reveal to you, because everything will happen, and I do not want him to die there. A great tragedy will happen in that place because of the evil that is close by, if he does not leave there, he may suffer the consequences. I want him alive, because he will serve Me as My [original] Cyrenean son did.
That is why I have called on him, because he comes from his descendant who freed Me for a little while from My Cross. Yes, I want to draw his attention, so that he has faith in what I have given him with this daughter who loves. So, I will not leave him, because I have done everything to make it right, because I Love My creatures who serve Me only out of love. My daughter, I want what is good for everyone, all who do My will, and I will always be together with those who listen to Me only out of love. I Am waiting for the hour to give My signs that will free all those who are Mine, to take them to the promised place, where there will only be Peace and Goodwill.
Yes My daughter, speak and give My message, because I want to give what is good to those who deserve it, to give you everything at the right time. My daughter, I want you to call on him so that he remains well, because all I want is to save My souls who are waiting for Me. For those who are not seeing the things that I Am giving every day, they will be left empty-handed, to see what I Am capable of doing for those who hear Me. I Am a Good Shepherd, I protect My sheep and they follow Me only out of Love.

Message #2 received October 7th, 2024
(You have been chosen by Me for these end times)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that is needed, everything must be said here, because you have been chosen by Me for these end times. I want you to give everything to my son [Maria’s friend in Turkey], because he was chosen by Me in his mother’s womb. I want you to give him everything, because I need him, and all are called, but this son was given to Me through the heart, because everything that My Holy Spirit has chosen is by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is nothing that can be done when My Holy Spirit chooses, I need it for the sake of My souls.
I really want you to give everything to those who are giving My things here, you have been chosen to obey Me. My daughter, because this was a place of Honor for My things, so that you may always give to open more hearts that are closed. Yes My daughter, I want you to give everything to those who I will call here. You cannot ignore what is given to you, because the Father wants a son who obeys only out of Love. Yes, everything in its place, everything will be given to you here, because the Father desires it. My daughter, I want you to call on this son, he will have to do everything that I tell him, because I want to call on many souls to conversion, and I want everything to be given here.
Everything that is given to you here [Maria’s home] is to be said with obedience and Love, and I want it to be said through Truth, because everything was given here so that all may see the Truth, that I Am the Truth and the Life. I want you to give it to My children, so that they may see everything that I have given you since the beginning with these messages, because I want everything for Love, and that everything here comes through Love.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received October 5th, 2024
(I want to see all My children praying for each other)
My darling daughter, write to all My children, I Am your Immaculate Mother. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give everything that the Father wishes to give for the good of your souls. I want to give what is desired by the Father, who Loves you and wants what is good for all humanity. I want to tell everyone to get ready, because the time is short. I wish for you to be more open to conversion, because many will lose their souls. I wish to call on My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend in Turkey] to get ready! Because God needs him, but he is far from of the things of God. Many are called by God, so that they give of themselves for the good of everyone.
I want to make everyone see that God has a time for everything, but time is running out, because man is taking care of the world by the wars they are waging against My little children. I want to save My children, but there is no way, because of the lack of prayer and conversion of many, there is no one to turn to. My children, pay attention to the things that you need to do, God is very angry because you are doing nothing to make the world see that you need to open your hearts. You are watching the wars in other countries, but you are not thinking of yourselves, that it [war] will also come to you. I am calling on everyone, but there are so few who are on alert. I want to see all My children praying for each other, because this is how Love for one another works.
I am your Sorrowful Mother, I am suffering because of what is to come. I want you to make them see, from the heart, what will come for everyone, it will not be easy, and you are not looking at what can happen to everyone at the time of suffering. Many souls will be lost if they do not listen to what I am saying. How can you see what is going to come for My children? See that I am afflicted for you, it is you who will pass through hell, because you do not want to hear the voice of reason. I am suffering and you are now living the good life, but when the time comes, I cannot help you. I want you to have more Faith and more Love for one another, because you are all brothers and sisters by blood through the Father, it is God who made you [He is the Creator, not us].
Yes, dear children, open your hearts and minds, because the hour is imminent.
I am your Sorrowful Mother, Amen.

Message received by Maria de Jesus
September 29th, 2024
(I have come to say everything to those who walk in the filth of sin)
Maria, darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. Yes My daughter, you will write everything so that humanity believes in what I have come to say, because many things will come out of here, but many still do not believe in My Words that came from here [Maria’s home] for the good of My souls. I Am God, I do everything right, nothing remains unsaid for all who wish to hear Me. I have come to say everything to those who walk in the filth of sin, and do not want to know that I give the whole truth here. I have given here what comes from Heaven to Earth, and it has all been true, for all those who have not yet realized that I have come to give to the world.
The things that I will give are true, and what I Am giving has to do with life, because the enemy will want to take away everything, but I will not let that happen here. My Priest sons have not yet seen anything and do not want to hear about it, because it does not suit them, but when the time comes, they will lose their reason and will die from so much that will come, because they did not want to hear Me. I Am calling on the attention of My Cyrenean son [Maria’s friend from Turkey], to prepare himself, because he has a mission to fulfill, as did [the original Cyrenean] with Me and My Cross. So I want him to do his part with Me, as the Cyrenean, because I have so much to give for the future of My Church, and he will be the head of My things for My people.
I call on him to listen to Me before it is too late, because I want him to be a true pillar here for My things. Everyone will have to participate, to help make grow all those who will survive [what is coming]. Many will die because they will not be able to endure it, because they want to live the good life. Woe to you My children, [choose] either with Me or with My enemy. I call on everyone to prepare, so that they may all live, but not everyone wants to hear My call. I want you to listen well to everything before what is coming happens, because I will not be able to save everyone in My Love [if they do not want it]. I Am the Good Shepherd, I protect My sheep and they follow Me only out of Love.

Message received September 26th, 2024
(I ask everyone to fight for Peace, because many are not looking for it)
My darling daughter write, I Am your Immaculate Mother full of Grace, conceived without original sin. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Immaculate Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that is needed for the good of your souls. I have come to give you everything that the Father wishes to give to everyone, because everyone needs to know what is coming. Yes, do not be afraid My children, because everyone must go through what is coming. As a Mother, I have come to give you the advice of an Afflicted Mother so that you lack nothing. I want to talk to you about a little bit of everything, because everything is coming for you My children, you who are in this world of sin.
You cannot hold on without there being everything on your shoulders, because you have chosen everything, and you cannot run away from anything that is going to come. My children, things are [happening], but now more then ever, the time has come where you need more caution from everything that is coming to you, because everything will come and you are not prepared, but everything must come. To endure everything that is coming, you must be prepared, it is very difficult to stand idly by without doing anything, because the things that are coming will not be easy. Everyone is well accommodated, without being worried, [but] in a little while everything will start, and then who will help you to overcome everything without suffering, because many are waiting for good things.
I am asking everyone to listen well to these messages, because this is no game, you must be alert! Many things will change, and you cannot stay here waiting for the boat to arrive without doing anything. Yes, everything in its place, so that everything comes to an end. It will not be easy, but stay alert and do not think it is nothing, because anything can happen if you are left without understanding anything. I ask everyone to fight for Peace, because many are not looking for it, and they are not understanding anything that is coming. I am your Mother, and I call on you with one more message that comes from My Afflicted Motherly Heart.

Message received September 24th, 2024
(Everything must come, no matter who gets hurts)
My darling daughter, write to all My children. I have come with My Fatherly Love, with one more message for you to give to all My children, because the hour is imminent. There is no way out of it, because things must be done before the great tribulation that is soon to come. My children, you must be alert, and you cannot stand still thinking about nonsense, because everything must come, no matter who gets hurts. I want to call on the attention of everyone so that they do not fall into temptation, because the devil has his hour. And you My children, know that he is evil and will tempt you, so that you can do nothing to free yourselves, because you know that everything has a certain time for you to do what you should.
It is time to be alert, and to do everything as I have told you to do. Pray and make sacrifices, because if you do not, you may fall, and you will not be able to rise from the evil that surrounds you. Everything is bad, but it will be worse for those who do not want to see. My children, evil is at your doors, and you can do nothing about it, because everyone is a sinner, but I want to give you a sign to take you out of here, to take you to a place prepared by My Angels. But you must see [decide] if you want it, because it will not be in your homes where you must stay, but in a place where nothing can touch you. All will have to stay there, and have what you have in your own homes [without the luxuries, but there will be], food and beds.
You must take your own clothes to wear, and it will be a place of Peace, but it is not like your homes. My children, I want to take you [out of here] so that you do not suffer the consequences of the things that will come, but you must pack your suitcases, because you may need everything [a couple of outfits, undergarment, shoes, socks, sweaters and jacket]. You must not think about the time, because everything is on its way, [I must] take you out of here as soon as possible, because there is nothing that can be done here for Peace, because the devil wants to destroy everything. Yes My children, look at everything and be careful to not suffer.
I Am your Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Message received September 22nd, 2024
(Evil comes quietly to take you away from Me)
My darling daughter write, I Am your God, your Savior. I have come with My Love to give you one more message that comes from My Sacred Heart to yours. I have come to give you everything that I have to say for all humanity that does not know what it is doing, but I want to give everything so that they may learn its lessons, so that everyone knows what I want for My Reminiscent Church. It is through Truth that I have come here to give everything to My children, [those] who are left for Me, through the obedience of My Church and through the words spoken that come from Heaven to Earth. They will have to obey Me and tell everyone what I have come to give, because everyone is called to [do] everything that I have come to give.
It is My desire that it be given as it was in the beginning, yes, as it was in the beginning! My children do not know how I started out with My Apostle sons, it was so simple and true! Why did they change My things, and words, for something that does not match those I spoke of at My Holy [Last] Supper? It was because the enemy was close to Me, to take away My Truth that was for everyone, for your salvation. Now, the hour has come to tell everyone what must be said, because there will be a great thunder, so that all humanity sees what I have come to give to everyone, and this will be given so that they may see who God is! Because the devil wants to cover everything up again, even worse [then before], because he does not want you to ask Me for forgiveness of your sins.
Woe, to you My children, you have nothing more to do, because there will be no more forgiveness for all of you [if you do not repent and ask for forgiveness], but hell will take all of you away from Me. Yes, you must listen to what I have come to tell you, because I have come to straighten everything out, to be alert, waiting for that day that I show you everything that you must do, so that you may live forever. So that there are no failures, you must listen to what I have come to give to all of you, and listen well! I have come to give it here [Maria’s home], do not expect another place, because I Am here, Alive and Real [in the Holy Eucharist], because in My Churches there is nothing more you will want to do.
Just wait for Me a little while longer, the others [non-believers] are thinking that everything is all right, but they have not yet seen what is waiting for them. Evil is coming along the path to bring you the worst that you have never seen, but they do not want to hear what I have said here through this daughter who is here at My disposal, waiting for the hour to be given everything, so that you may know about things before evil comes quietly to take you away from Me.
I Am the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.